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The Book Palace
established 1977

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Clive Uptton Art

Christmas Morning (Original) (Signed)

Christmas Morning (Original) (Signed)

Sorry, SOLD

Ref: UpttonXmasMorning 

Loch Ness (Original)

Loch Ness (Original)

Price:  £140.00


Queen Elizabeth II (Original) (Signed)

Queen Elizabeth II (Original) (Signed)

Price:  £370.00

Ref: UpttonQueen 

Queen Elizabeth II (Original)

Queen Elizabeth II (Original)

Price:  £370.00

Ref: UpttonQueen2 

Beware The Ides of March (Original)

Beware The Ides of March (Original)

Price:  £240.00

Ref: UpttonIdes 

Slave Revolt in the Southern United States (Original)

Slave Revolt in the Southern United States (Original)

Price:  £240.00

Ref: UpttonSlaveRevolt 

Leading From The Front (Original)

Leading From The Front (Original)

Price:  £330.00

Ref: UpttonClive5LL 

Begum Somru (Original)

Begum Somru (Original)

Price:  £240.00

Ref: UpttonBegumLL 

General Burgoyne (Original)

General Burgoyne (Original)

Price:  £240.00

Ref: UpttonBurgoyne 

Death of an Irish Rebel (Original)

Death of an Irish Rebel (Original)

Price:  £250.00

Ref: UpttonDesmond 

The Great Moghuls (Original)

The Great Moghuls (Original)

Price:  £220.00

Ref: UpttonDie 

Fox's Freedom Fight (Original)

Fox's Freedom Fight (Original)

Price:  £220.00

Ref: UpttonFreedom 

Henry VI - The Scholar King (Original)

Henry VI - The Scholar King (Original)

Price:  £310.00

Ref: UpttonHenry6LL 

Victorian Bathing at Brighton (Original)

Victorian Bathing at Brighton (Original)

Price:  £220.00

Ref: UpttonSwim 

Charles III of Spain - A Forgotten Monarch (Original)

Charles III of Spain - A Forgotten Monarch (Original)

Price:  £190.00

Ref: UpttonCharles3 

Friend or Foe? (Original)

Friend or Foe? (Original)

Price:  £190.00

Ref: UpttonThroatLL 

Indian Mutiny - Cawnpore (Original)

Indian Mutiny - Cawnpore (Original)

Price:  £310.00

Ref: UpttonIndia1LL 

Indian Mutiny - Massacre (Original)

Indian Mutiny - Massacre (Original)

Price:  £280.00

Ref: UpttonIndia2LL 

Peaceful Protest in India (Original)

Peaceful Protest in India (Original)

Price:  £280.00

Ref: UpttonIndia3LL 

India Enters World War Two (Original)

India Enters World War Two (Original)

Price:  £250.00

Ref: UpttonIndia4LL 

A Cruel Fate (Original)

A Cruel Fate (Original)

Price:  £310.00

Ref: UpttonIndia5LL 

War in The Punjab (Original)

War in The Punjab (Original)

Price:  £310.00

Ref: UpttonIndia6LL 

King Henry VIII and the Route to Russia (Original)

King Henry VIII and the Route to Russia (Original)

Price:  £310.00

Ref: UpttonHenryGlobeLL 

King George VI and the Festival of Britain (Original)

King George VI and the Festival of Britain (Original)

Price:  £190.00

Ref: UpttonFestBrit 

The Blitz (Original)

The Blitz (Original)

Price:  £250.00

Ref: UpttonStPauls 

Jeremiah Horrocks (Original)

Jeremiah Horrocks (Original)

Price:  £190.00

Ref: UpttonTelescope 

Bring On The Dancing Girls (Original)

Bring On The Dancing Girls (Original)

Price:  £210.00

Ref: UpttonDancing 

Living Underground (Original)

Living Underground (Original)

Price:  £190.00

Ref: UpttonDukeLL 

Lord Nelson and Lady Hamilton (Original)

Lord Nelson and Lady Hamilton (Original)

Price:  £310.00

Ref: UpttonHamilton 

Edward of Caernarfon (Original)

Edward of Caernarfon (Original)

Price:  £210.00

Ref: UpttonEdII 

The Death of Rasputin (Original)

The Death of Rasputin (Original)

Price:  £190.00

Ref: UpttonRasputin 

Discovery of the Lascaux Cave Paintings (Original)

Discovery of the Lascaux Cave Paintings (Original)

Price:  £190.00

Ref: UpttonLascauxLL 

The Pharaoh Who Abolished the Gods (Original)

The Pharaoh Who Abolished the Gods (Original)

Price:  £250.00

Ref: UpttonEgyptLL 

Australian Mining Revolt at the Blue Mountains 1854 (Original)

Australian Mining Revolt at the Blue Mountains 1854 (Original)

Price:  £310.00

Ref: UpttonMinersLL 

Tropical Fish (Original)

Tropical Fish (Original)

Price:  £190.00

Ref: UpttonTropical 

The Fair (Original)

The Fair (Original)

Price:  £880.00

Ref: UpttonFairLL 

Robert Schumann's Piano Lessons (Original)

Robert Schumann's Piano Lessons (Original)

Price:  £190.00

Ref: UpttonSchumann 

Queen Victoria and the Assassin! (Original)

Queen Victoria and the Assassin! (Original)

Price:  £190.00

Ref: UpttonVictoriaShot 

James Watt (Original)

James Watt (Original)

Price:  £190.00

Ref: UpttonWatt 

Retreat From Glory (Original)

Retreat From Glory (Original)

Price:  £350.00

Ref: UpttonPathan 

The North West Frontier (Original)

The North West Frontier (Original)

Price:  £320.00

Ref: UpttonPathan2